Welcome to the Star Dam Rehabilitation Program.
The Calleja Group is starting the rehabilitation of its Star Dam site, which will kickstart the renewal of Parwan Creek – up to 20 years ahead of schedule.
By investing in the rehabilitation of the disused quarry and mine MBC will restore the site to its natural form and create a major habitat for the endangered growling grass frog.
The Site.
The Star Dam site is a 70-hectare site located at 181 Cummings Road, Maddingley.
Originally a mine and quarry, the site was known as the Star Colliery Number 2. (Number 1 having been gradually filled to natural surface level from around 1957, and subsequent restoration of natural flora)
Once operations at Colliery Number 2 ceased in 1979, the void was filled with water and turned into an artificial dam.

“Extensive revegetation will create a habitat for the growling grass frog, reduce the presence of pest flora and fauna, erosion and run-off. ”
The Opportunity.
MBC is investing in the rehabilitation of Star Dam and its interface with Parwan Creek to create a wetland that will become a habitat for vulnerable growling grass frog populations.
The project will take 10 years to complete, after which the site will be accessible for educational and research purposes, providing opportunity for students and environmental groups to study the Growling Grass Frog in its habitat.
The Growling Grass Frog.
Growling Grass Frog
The Growling Grass Frog (Litoria raniformis) was historically found throughout much of Victoria, however populations are declining. The frog is recognised as a threatened species.
The Star Dam Rehabilitation Project will help protect the species by creating new habitat close to existing populations.
Recent studies into the habitat preferences for the Growling Grass Frog found that Dam environments create a viable habitat for the Growling Grass Frog, particularly during times of prolonged drought.
The Growling Grass Frogs require a diverse habitat that provides food, shelter, encourages breeding and egg-laying and supports tadpole development. Ideally, water levels should draw down naturally over later summer and autumn. The Star Dam will remain a permanent water body with seasonally fluctuating water levels.
The proposed rehabilitation and revegetation of the Star Dam site will provide a significantly enhanced habitat for the Growling Grass Frogs. To learn more, click here to read our Growling Grass Frog Management Plan or download our Growling Grass Frog fact sheet
Cross Section of Star Dam site rehabilitated habitat.
The Proposal.
The Star Dam rehabilitation includes filling the existing dam, remediating the former mine and stabilising the site to reduce run off and sedimentation in Parwan Creek.
Extensive revegetation will create a habitat for the growling grass and reduce pest flora and fauna, erosion and run-off.
Star Dam is a barren, rocky landscape typical of an abandoned quarry. The site will be rehabilitated using clean fill.
The artificial dam will be filled and rehabilitated with potential acid sulfate soils – naturally occurring soils found in and around Melbourne that are stable when submerged in water. (see map below)
MBC has been receiving, managing, and treating potential acid sulfate soils for more than 20 years.
To view our rehabilitation plan, click here
To view our revegetation plan, click here
Potential acid sulphate soils.
Potential acid sulfate soils are naturally occurring – most were formed in and around Melbourne more than 10,000 years ago.
They do not contain any man-made chemicals. Potential acid sulfate soils form in a low-oxygen environment. Once dug up and exposed to air, they can become acid sulfate soil, which has the potential to leach acid into the ground and waterways.
Potential acid sulphate soils are completely stable when submerged, which is why this method of disposal is tried and tested.
Image based on Agriculture Victoria sources.
Disposing of potential acid sulfate soils in water is a tried and tested, EPA-approved method of ensuring the soil is stable. Potential acid sulfate soils will be tested and the results analysed to ensure the integrity of material being received by MBC.
In Victoria, potential acid sulfate soil can only be received and disposed with an appropriate license under the Environmental Protection Act (2017) or an Environmental Management Plan EMP approved by the EPA.
MBC is fully licenced to accept and manage potential and actual acid sulfate soil and has been doing so for more than 20 years.
For more information on potential acid sulphate soils, click here to read our Fact Sheet.
The Calleja Group and Maddingley Brown Coal have existing EPA approvals in place to receive, manage and dispose of potential and actual acid sulfate soils.
In 2019, MBC lodged an application for a planning permit with Moorabool Shire Council to facilitate the rehabilitation of the Star Dam site. Over the past two years, MBC has been working with Council and responding to requests for information to progress its application for a planning permit. The site permit is currently pending the outcome of a Cultural Heritage Management Plan, which we are working with the RAP to complete.
To have your say and view our amendment application, click here or visit https://moorabool.greenlightopm.com/public/detail/7201112qAcbAcPiV

The Star Dam rehabilitation project will not create any odour or other offsite amenity impacts.
Some dust can be expected from construction activity and from vehicle movements. Dust will be managed with water carts and sprinklers using water from MBC’s onsite dams.
To view our Star Dam Environmental Management Plan, click here.
Some noise from construction and operation may occur. The site will operate during approved hours and will adopt a range of strategies to manage noise.
To view our Star Dam Environmental Management Plan, click here.
For more information on all aspects of the Star Dam Rehabilitation program, download any of the below.
For more information on the Star Dam Growling Grass Frog Management Plan, click here.
For more information on the Growling Grass Frog, click here.
For more information on the Star Dam Native Vegetation Assessment Plan, click here.
For more information on the Star Dam Rehabilitation and Environmental Management Plan, click here.
For more information on the Star Dam Revegetation Plan, click here.
For more information on Potential Acid Sulphate Soils, click here.

Maddingley Brown Coal respectfully acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands and waters which include the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung, Wadawurrung and Dja Dja Wurrung people. We pay our respects to the Elders past, present and emerging.
The Star Dam Rehabilitation Program is an initiative of The Calleja Group of Companies